We’ve interviewed reflexologists for kid strategies that work. Here are our top reflexology ‘formulas’ for help with healing booboos, getting over a flu, calming hyperactivity or anxiety; relieving pain, and stimulating self-care. Help kids understand the healing power of their own bodies, and help yourself feel better with a happier, more comfortable kid.
Content: Intro to reflexology, safety, general reflexology topics
Textbook/workbook: Available for download - Post-class recording available for 1 day
Pre-requisites: None
Duration: 5 hours live online class instruction
Course completion date: One day class
Certificates: Certificate of Attendance
Upcoming Course Dates
Tuition: $95.00
**All course times are listed in the Atlantic Canada time zone**
Note: Once enrolled, course fees are non-refundable and non-transferable to other courses or dates.