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Keeping Up With the Kidneys: Reflexology and Kidney Health

Writer's picture: Jennifer JohnsonJennifer Johnson


Bravo, Kidneys!

Did you know your kidneys filter 115-140 liters of blood every day?

The Power of Kidneys The kidneys are actually so important to the body, that we have a built-in ‘spare’. That’s right—you only really need one. But since you likely have two, let’s thank them both! Here's what they're doing for you:

Detox anyone? The kidneys remove unwanted substances and waste in the process of filtering the blood, then eliminating the waste through the urine. After they filter the blood, the kidneys put back into your blood stream what you still need—most importantly, they reabsorb the useful glucose (sugars) and amino acids (proteins).

Feeling puffy? The kidneys regulate fluid balance by releasing or reabsorbing water, and adjusting salt levels

Kidneys also control sodium and potassium levels for the essential function of our cells and organs (especially the heart!)

Stressed? Kidneys regulate blood pressure.

Have you heard all the ‘anti-inflammatory’ buzz about the importance of not having a ‘too-acidic’ body? Guess who maintains the acid-base balance…Yup! The kidneys.

Feeling depressed or sluggish? The kidneys are responsible for the activation of Vitamin D.

Finally, lesser known of the kidney-jobs is the production of hormones—one hormone produced by the kidneys stimulates red blood cell production, while others help regulate blood pressure, and control calcium metabolism.

The Root of Life In Chinese medicine, the kidneys are considered the ‘Root of Life’, and are vitally important in sexual health and reproductive energy, as well as in general health and immunity. The emotional components of the kidneys are fear, and suppression (or ‘holding in’) of difficult emotions. Healthy kidneys lead to feelings of safety and security, and healthy emotional expression.

Natural Kidney-Boosters with Reflexology Work those kidney reflexes! Locate the kidney reflexes on both the feet, between zones 1 and 2, and between the diaphragm reflex and the waistline reference. Now apply pressure!

kidney reflex
Kidney Reflex

You can pulse, rotate, caterpillar, maintain static contact, use light pressure or deep pressure…whatever you like! Just be sure to really give a good effort to support these incredible organs! After you work the kidneys, be sure to pressure glide down the following reflexes—ureter, bladder, urethra—to help with elimination.

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